

We are going back into full swings of things!! 

Welcome back to SIN Media as you all have been missed just like our series, and afer our long (unannouced) break we will be ecpecting a plethora of realeases from familar series like Toyo, Grimm, etc. Soon we will be announving the start of a few new series and even some that are going to be on the way. 

We are sad to announce that little information is known about series done by Diablo_Hotsauce but do promise even those series will hopefully be back.

Things to expect sooner than later are the start of Volume two of Toyo answering questions like "What happend to Yaki and Aku?" "Who was the Man Aku saw before he dissapeared?" The author themself have admitted one teaser of the volume as it is "taking a dive into the world of demons" tehy also say to watch out for small details as they can paint bigger pictures.

GRIMM is returning with Chapter 4 in the works the author said themself that there will be some big changes to a certain character as they find them true selves again, with also expecting more chapters to be on the way throughout the year.

Ace Academy is supposedly on the "Drawing board" and is expected to have its first chapter to be done soon.

We wish you again day and hoep to talk to you again soon and remember it's a SIN to be gone forever <3

Contacts: NotSimptee@gmail.com
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