

Commotion filled the halls of an office building. "Hey Jerry? What the hell is wrong with this heap of junk anyways?" A burly man with a tough attitude said. He stood tall over his co-worker in confusion. "I don't know? They might have been shut down or something for the boss's birthday." Jerry's fingers overlapped each other as he looked at the condescending question mark over his and his co-workers computer screens. "Could it be a hack? On this scale though? An entire department would be crazy to pull off without being even mildly noticed." Jerry thought to himself as the elevator dinged behind them. All of the workers then turned towards the elevator as a woman appeared behind the opening doors of the loud elevator.

"As of now this building is ceasingly under technological lock down." The Woman said walking in with a pad of paper. 

"What?" "What the hell does that even mean?" Workers exclaimed in confusion.

"Remain calm! I wasn't even done talking geez...your department, well in fact your building is one of many victims to technological warfare. The only problem however is no one knows how or when but somehow around yesterday morning a governmental office received that exact same question mark on their screens. However, if you would all pull out your phones..." The women sat down on a random desk.

The crowd all took out their phones in confusion. Jerry looked over at someones phone "What? How is that even possible?" Jerry thought to himself in shock as he saw the same question mark that he saw on the computer screens.

"After the people left the building in a similar confusion amongst you when they got to their homes they noticed their phones had the question mark as well but soon enough every device in their homes had that same question mark. This is not only a hack but a viral one, which means ill need all of your phones to be turned if you wish to leave this building."

"Turn in my phone?" A woman in the back whimpered.

"This bitch is crazy! Something like that doesn't even sound possible." A man announced.

"I assure you as soon as you leave the building your phones will be replaced and by tomorrow we should have this all figured out." The Woman and started to look at a computer.

"Who's computer is this?" The Woman sounded off.

Everyone turned to Jerry as he started to walk to his desk. "That's mine. Why?" Jerry looked at his desktop and saw what the Woman was seeing. His screen had changed unlike the others white out screens with a large black question mark his screen said something in smaller text "Go on click it   ?" The space between the words and the question mark made it obvious it was a button. "What for?" Jerry thought to himself about the question mark.

"Alright everyone you will all be leaving now." The Woman announced as the elevator made a similar ding it did when she entered however this time a force of armoured police came out. The Woman then turned towards Jerry as he sat staring at his screen.

"What is your name?"

"My name uh its Jerry...Jerry Clark. "

"Why hello Jerry how funny because my name is Jules. I'd like you to know you're going to be staying here with me until we figure out why your computer out of over thousands and maybe soon to be millions, is the only one that has something different and yet most likely from the same source.

"That's fine I don't really have much of a choice I assume."

"You could put it like that I guess."

"I think this would be a bad time to tell her I'm good with computers." Jerry thought to himself.

"Jerry I want to get one thing straight to you. No matter what happens you listen to me and stay put."

Jerry shook his head understanding as his gaze turned towards his co-workers being escorted and patted down for any electronics. "One of them is bound to escape with something knowing them" He thought to himself "How can I gain her trust so I can help?" His head cycled through ideas as he thought of the perfect idea. "Guards!" He yelled out pointing at a woman. "What are you doing?" Jules said. 

"That woman she has hearing aids and her ring has an electronic signal to it so it can send morse code to her husband. Her name is Tracy Young you can look at all her past purchases it all checks out." Jerry said

"He lies! I swear!" Tracy yelled as one of the cops came over to her. 

"Your hand Ma'am?" The officer asked politely 

"No this is my wedding ring. I swear he's lying!" She cried.

The guard grabbed the ladies hand.

"You're not willing to give up a ring to have the chance to protect your country." The Officer said as he took off the ring. "That's weak, I'm not willing to lose a damn battle because I let some women out with a damn ring." 

Jerry watched as Tracy was forced out the door in a huff.


Contacts: NotSimptee@gmail.com
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