Chapter 1: Prologue
The sun was slowly setting upon the sky as the dying sun light shined bright upon a specific building. This building was very tall. Some would refer to it as "The building that communed the clouds together." On top of that building sat a person. However, no one could see this person, for they were no man. They are the very being most humans never want to see, but all will eventually come to meet. They go by many names, but one of the most famous ones is...
"The Grim Reaper."
They slowly stood up, leaning forward off the building. They fall with grace and horror as their cloak sways with their movement, not the wind. The air moves through them, not around them. Their very existence is against the laws of nature. However, their very existence keeps that nature balanced.
They land on the ground softly as many people walk around them with no realization that they are there. Some even pass through an feel deja vu. Their existence is not seen, but their purpose is seen every waking second of a human's life time.
The screams of humans were heard all around. They all ran away as the building came collapsing. Women and children ran as dust filled the air. The Grim Reaper watched them. Suddenly a child started crying out.
"Help! Mom?!" - Little Girl
The child lay under the debris as her tears started to mix in with her blood. She looked out with pain and the want to be saved as she saw a large figure walk towards her through the dust.
"Help me! Please!" - Little Girl
As the dust cleared the child grew confused. There was nothing there.
"HELP!" - Little Girl
The girl screamed as she tried to wiggle her body out but had no feeling in her lower body.
"PLEASE, SOMEBODY! Just...please help." - Little Girl
The little girl started to feel hopeless as she couldn't do anything. She heard her tears, and nothing else.
The girl looked up as best as she could to see a piece of debris creaking above her. At any moment it could have fallen. It just happened to be...
At that moment.
Her shriek filled with horror watching the piece of debris fall towards her. She was going to die. What is death? That was not a question to ponder about for long, for she was about to be face to face with it.
'I don't want to die.' - Little girl
The little girl closed her eyes in hope it was a dream. What a terrible, terrible reality she was living in.
The girl slowly opened her eyes to see the debris was gone. However, there was something in its place. An odd Black shadowy curved tool. She looked over at the thing holding it.
"Wha.....What are you?" - Little girl
The girl stared without a moment to blink. It stared at her as she felt saved. Calling it eye contact was seemingly wrong as it had no eyes to stare at, not even a face.
'Am I safe?' - Little girl
"Please.......Please help me." - Little Girl
Her tears went down her face in pain. The thing made no movements to the little girl's pleads.
"Are you here to help me?" - Little Girl
In the blink of an eye, this creature swung its weapon at the girl. The Grim Reaper looked at the girl's crushed head under the debris.
"Help Me! I'm Still Alive!" - Random Stranger In The Distance
"I need help, my child is stuck under this rock!" - Random Stranger In The Distance
"Help!" - Random Stranger In The Distance
"Please I...I can't feel my arm." - Random Stranger In The Distance
'They are helpless. You know that right,' - Voice of The Grim Reaper
The Grim Reaper looked at the Scythe in its hand and at the lifeless body of the little girl. They propped themselves steadily with their legs spread as they crouched near the ground.
'You have to kill them to keep the balance.' - Voice #2 of The Grim Reaper
The Grim Reaper stayed in its readied position listening to the following orders of what seemed to be almost instinctive at this point. In an odd form, The Grim Reaper set its Scythe up in the air with one hand.
'There are approximately 600,000 spirits that are ready to be taken across the world.' - Voice #2 of The Grim Reaper
'Watch them all!' - Voice of The Grim Reaper
The Grim Reaper disappeared in a flash spreading across the world in seconds, watching thousands die in gruesome and sometimes simple ways. The scythe never drew blood. It drew humans spirits.
Today was the day known as doomsday across Earth as a group of terrorists pulled off the greatest terrorist acts in history. Thousands of people worldwide have died. No one saw it coming but beings beyond human comprehension. Beings such as the Grim Reaper, who had to gather those spirits all 600,000+ in mere seconds so they wouldn't get lost.
'You've done great. We only account for one more soul for the next 30 seconds.' - Voice #2 of The Grim Reaper
The Grim Reaper arrived in a small suburban area. It was night, and eerily quiet.
They waited patiently awaiting orders, but to their surprise, nothing was said. Its mind was silent, no orders, no updates, and no killing. Confused was the emotion The Grim Reaper was feeling even if they didn't know it. They looked around for spirits.
They entered the home of a sleeping couple, slowly floating by. Next, a homeless man sitting on the curb, drunk and forgotten. The Grim Reaper passed by many spirits with no thought, but knew they weren't ready. They didn't realize that someone was watching them. Watching them! A being beyond the eyes of many. Yet it was seen by someone, being seen by someone.
"Hey you!" - The Homeless Man
The Grim Reaper carries on with not a bother in the world.
"Hey you, don't ignore me...come here!" - The Homeless Man
The Grim Reaper looked back in a quick thought of the possibility the man could see them.
"Oh sorry no thank you sir." - A Young Women
The Grim Reaper passed by the woman as it heard the two's conversation.
"Give me some money!" - The Homeless Man
"I uh-" - A Young Woman
"Come on, quit stalling and hurry up, give me a little bit of cash!" - The Homeless Man
"I have no money to give you, sir. I'm sorry but I've got to get home my mother will kill me!" - A Young Woman
The woman started to speed walk away but suddenly felt a rough tug at her wrist. She looked back with fear.
"Shut up you tramp! Look I know you must have something on you!" - The Homeless Man
He jumped towards the lady as she stepped back. He groggily stood up a little as the lady tried to go away again.
"Oh come back here!" -The Homeless Man
The lady was scared as her hand shook as it reached for her purse. She felt a grab at her shoulder, making her turn around.
Their eyes met as The Homeless Man fell to the ground. The lady screamed for help as regret entered her mind, realizing what she had done.
In this situation, there was a bystander. This bystander was in awe of the situation, not because of the gunshot or the dead body. Not even the lady frantically calling 911 caught the girl's attention. It was a dark shadowy figure who caught her in awe.
'What in the world is that?' - The Little Girl
The Grim Reaper swept its scythe through the Man as his eyes seemed to lose their color. The Grim Reaper started to go away, slowly carrying on its way through the streets. They still had no commands, no voices telling it where to go. So it carried on with no sense of direction, just looking for spirits to take from the unfortunate.
Someone, however, was following them, still being able to see them as they wanted to know what they were. It was like a child looking at their first piece of candy. Not knowing what it is, but still knowing they want it. She wanted nothing more than to run up to them right then and there, but fear of the unknown stopped that action.
The Grim Reaper suddenly went through a wall causing the girl to lose sight of them.
'Where'd it go?' - The Little Girl
The wind that was blowing on the girl's back suddenly felt off. She felt chills course through her nerves as she slowly turned around. She looked up and met eye to cloak with the Grim Reaper.
"H-H-hi." - The Little Girl
The little girl got nothing but a stare as a reply. A dark and grim stare, even with not much of a face to stare with. But there was one thing on her mind that almost took over her mind.
'Touch! Touch! Touch! Touch! Touch! Touch!' - The Little Girl
"What are you?" - The Little Girl
She slowly reached out her hand as it drew closer to The Grim Reaper. It felt like she had no control over her body. Tension was felt between the two forces.
"My name is Hal." - The Little Girl/Hal
She stared at her hand as the tension started to make her hand appear to melt, she saw the skeleton of her hand and thought nothing of it.
"Touch!" - Hal
The Grim Reaper started to feel a sensation of sorts. This feeling was a soft wind hitting against their back.
A bright light then shined right in between the two from the clouds. It was a straight bright white line.
'What's this?' - Hal
Hal fixated on the light for a mere second.
As it was such a graceful explosion, no debris of any sort was left behind. A crater was formed from the bright line. However, a brighter light formed.
"By the order of all divisions, you have disobeyed a law of God! And contract between Worlds!" - Unknown
The Grim Reaper sat still floating in the same position above the crater. It looked up to see a figure bright as the sun. The figure had large feathered wings.
"I am Asrath follower of Gabriel, I myself have been sent to condemn you Reaper!" - Asrath
The Grim Reaper looked down, however, paying no attention to the angel. They saw something. It was Hal's body. She looked like she had cleaned a thousand chimneys as her body was smoking. The touch and feel, The Grim Reaper felt slowly dampened.
'What am I?' - The Grim Reaper
"You must obey all under Divine Right, So come forth!" - Asrath
The Grim Reaper was in their own world.
'Are we free?' - Voice of The Grim Reaper
'Who are you?' - The Grim Reaper
'We are you. Or otherwise, known as your voices.' - Voice #2 of The Grim Reaper
'Are we free?' - Voice of The Grim Reaper
'I don't understand? Who am I?' - The Grim Reaper
'You are we and we are you but we come before you.' - Voice #2 of The Grim Reaper
'ARE WE FREE YET?!' - Voice of The Grim Reaper
'I still don't understand.' - The Grim Reaper
'All you need to understand is that you've been saved by that girl. We've been saved by that girl, whatever she is.' - Voice #2 of The Grim Reaper
'Yes... I believe so.' - Voice #2 of The Grim Reaper
"Reaper! Come forth!" - Asrath
The Grim Reaper looks up towards the Angel as suddenly they have a somewhat human appearance. A pale face that had no eyes nor mouth. It looked like a skeleton's face with skin over it. Asrath looked at The Grim Reaper's hand as it held what looked to be Hal's hand.
'No!' - Asrath
Asrath's face was suddenly being pushed aside with such force, that if it wasn't for him being an angel, it would've cut his head clean off.
'How?' - Asrath
He fell onto the ground to find himself alone in a desert. The Grim Reaper was nowhere to be seen.
The Grim Reaper stood over Hal's now less steamy body.
"How dare you go against Heaven's finest!" - Asrath
The Grim Reaper stayed quiet as it watched Hal as she suddenly disappeared from their sight. They slowly turned towards Asrath, who now had Hal's body.
"This girl seems important to you? Maybe a part of your plan?" - Asrath
"I did some thinking on my way back to here and I've realized that you are too far gone. So I must take measures to another degree." - Asrath
He pulled out a bright sword from thin air as he raised it. It stopped suddenly. He looked at his blade to see a curved blade holding it back. It was The Grim Reapers scythe.
"MMMM-" - The Grimm Reaper
The Grim Reaper's Face started to distort as its skin where its mouth is supposed to be started to pull itself apart.
"MUHAHAHA," - The Grim Reaper
The Grim Reapers laugh made the air shiver.
"DIE DIE DIE!" - The Grim Reaper
The pressure started to heighten near the Angel.
Hal struck Asrath in the face, sending him back a little as she fell to the ground. Asrath looked enraged as he barely dodged an attack from The Grim Reaper.
"Damnit! Go back to hell where you Demons belong!" - Asrath
Hal looked back at him in horror, seeing The Grim Reaper with a rather bloody and pale face with an empty mouth spewing blood every time it opened. Its eyes are still skin.
'What happened?' - Hal
'Is she the source of the Reaper's defiance? I must slay her first!' - Asrath
Asrath flickered away from The Grim Reaper and darted towards Hal.
"Die Demon!" - Asrath
Asrath flew in the air softly as The Grim Reaper's scythe cut through him. Blood spewed from his side.
'A weapon that can make an Angel bleed. Made in the depths of hell itself forged by Satan, Blessed by the heavens. (Shi no Kyodai).' - Asrath
Asrath's body started to illuminate a bright white from his mouth and eyes. The Grim Reaper was suddenly held down by bright chains. As Asrath reappeared through the light with a halo above his head.
"You are not my problem Reaper!" - Asrath
Asrath looked back at Hal.
'What do I do?' - Hal
A moment of silence went by as time seemed to slow to Hal's point of view. Something resurfaced in her mind.
'Touch!' - Hal
Hal started to dart towards The Grim Reaper.
"Don't...MOVE!" - Asrath
Asrath shot a bright beam towards Hal that blew her now healed arm right off as blood dripped from her side, as she barely made it to The Grim Reaper.
"You damn demon don't you dare-" - Asrath
Hal made contact with The Grim Reaper, hugging them one-handed.
"Save me!" - Hal
The earth trembles to the core as the two make contact. Darkness sprouted from The Grim Reaper covering the area in it. Swallowing Asrath as he tried to fly away.
"NO, NO LET GO!" - Asrath
As he was pulled under a light left his hand, that shot into the sky.
The darkness started to retract as nothing was left there but a suburban city.
"Hello? Wake up!" - Muffled voice
A person started to open their eyes to see a young girl waking them up.
"Hal?" - The Person
"You're Grimm aren't you? You saved me last night!" - Hal
"Who's Grimm? Wh-Where am I?" - Grimm
"Oh, you're just some stranger then. Have you seen some tall shadowy figure? Well, he might have a face now it was hard to tell." - Hal
Hal looked at the person intently and realized something.
"Wait a minute...YOU ARE THEM!" - Hal
"Wh-what do you mean. I'm sorry girl but I don't even know what is going on." - Grimm
"Then why do you have a large Scythe laying right next to you?" - Hal
Grimm looked to their right to see the scythe. It was definitely there.
"I-I don't even know what that is!" - Grimm
"Are yo-" - Hal
Grimm went to grab it as suddenly when making contact with it something happened. Everything went dark.
'Hello?' - Grimm
'So your alive then? How wonderful,' - Voice #2 of The Grim Reaper
A well-dressed person came floating towards Grimm sitting crisscross applesauce in the air with a book in hand.
'As of today, you are no longer The Grim Reaper.' - Voice #2 of The Grim Reaper
'What...what do you mean?' - Grimm
'Oh yes, I forgot the memory loss. Here' - Voice #2 of The Grim Reaper
The well-dressed person shoved the book into Grimm's face as it felt like it had latched onto them. They saw everything they'd ever done. The book came off with crazed eyes on Grimm's face.
'What was that...Was that me!? What happens after that?' - Grimm
'Precisely, well not just you and I,' - Voice #2 of The Grim Reaper
Grimm was confused as they had learned what they were The Grim Reaper.
'So I'm no longer the...that thing? If so, what am I?' - Grimm
'You are no longer The Grim Reaper, Yes but you still have the powers of The Grim Reaper just in a human's body,' - Voice #2 of The Grim Reaper
Grimm looked at their hands, to see pale white skin and now noticed the black hair in their eyes.
'To be honest I can't explain most of this. It was all by luck, but we must take this chance to be free from the chains of the Gods. However, you must protect the girl.' - Voice #2 of The Grim Reaper
'Hal? The little girl who woke me?' - Grimm
'Yes I see she must be important to all of this if she's the reason this all happened' - Voice #2 of The Grim Reaper
'Wait protect her from what?' - Grimm
The man looked back.
'Everything.' - Voice #2 of The Grim Reaper
He touched Grimm's forehead showing him countless beings, creatures, demons, angels, and more. It was all too much to even see one by itself. But he saw the angels.
'Those people with feathers? Why do they want me and the girl dead?' - Grimm
'They are Angels and they are the followers of the 7 Arc Angels. Asrath is dead and he was a follower of Gabriel. He was sent to contain you- well our defiance. We The Grim Reaper is meant to serve under the Angels to collect spirits we roam out of their site for even a moment and they'll be on us. However this time something happened, and I suspect it has to do with that girl. You've got little to no time left. Stay with the girl, she knows the human world well.' - Voice #2 of The Grim Reaper
'That's a lot to take in.' - Grimm
'You are a newborn so I understand your comment. However, it might be awhile before we can speak again. You might have The Grim Reapers abilities but you can't access me freely and you will have to re-learn or well get used to the power again. Please be safe I look forward to our next interaction.' - Voice #2 of The Grim Reaper
Grimm's body started to wither.
'What's going on?' - Grimm
'You're returning to the real world.' - Voice #2 of The Grim Reaper
'How long has it been?' - Grimm
'Not even a second.' - Voice #2 of The Grim Reaper
Grimm's body was almost gone.
'Wait what do I call you?' - Grimm
'I no longer have no name. Come up with one for me please.' - Voice #2 of The Grim Reaper
'What is my name then?' - Grimm
'You've been named by The Girl,' - Voice #2 of The Grim Reaper
Grimm was almost nonexistent, but heard their final words.
'Grimm shall be your name.' - Voice #2 of The Grim Reaper
"-o really not the one I'm looking for?" - Hal
Grimm looked at Hal, turned and started to walk away as his hand was holding the Scythe.
"Wait!" - Grimm
"Yeah?" - Hal
Hal turned to Grimm as they towered over her standing up now.
"I am The-"
Grimm felt weight upon their shoulders all of a sudden.
'Huh?' - Grimm
"I figured you were." - Hal
Hal sat upon Grimm's shoulders
"Wha- how?" - Grimm
"I could smell it!" - Hal
Hal smiled with a full set of pointy teeth. Her short reddish hair flew with excitement.
"Wait then why did you start to walk away?" - Grimm
"You didnt know who you were so why bother?" - Hal
"Oh..." - Grimm
Grimm looked around as he found Hal and himself in a desolate area. No houses not even a sign of life in the area.
"Where are we-" - Grimm
"Ow!" - Grimm
"Less talking more walking!" - Hal
"Where to-" - Grimm
"Walk!" - Hal
Hal formed an Innocent Sinister smile followed by a laugh.
'With him I can do anything I can conquer the world of the humans! WAIT!' - Hal
Hal stood on top of their shoulders and leaned over in front of their face, looking past their long black hair.
"Ye-" - Grimm
"Uhh yeah I think" - Grimm
'Yes with this I can wait...' - Hal
"What do you mean by I Think?" - Hal
"I don't know how to use them, but the man in my head said I still have the powers of-" - Grimm
"I've heard enough?" - Hal
Hal sat back on their shoulders normally.
'Hm, maybe I can teach him how to use his powers. Also what does he mean by man in his head what is he some sort of nut?' - Hal
"Listen Grimm!" - Hal
"Why arent you replying to your commander!" -Hal
"I uh thought you didnt want me to speak anymore?" - Grimm
"Whatever Listen here Grimm! I am in charge of you, I am your commander, and as your commander I'll train you to use your abilities again!" - Hal
"Wait really you know how to do that?" - Grimm
"Yes!" - Hal
"How do I start?" - Grimm
"First part of your training is you must walk east until I say stop!" - Hal
"Yes commander will do!" - Grimm
Grimm started to walk with Hal on their shoulders.
"This is north..." - Hal
"Uhh Commander what is a north?" - Grimm
"Just go that way! I'll tell ya on the way there." - Hal
Hal pointed east as day started to approach Grimm started their walk watching the sun rise.
'What is that!' - Grimm
"Commander what is that?" - Grimm
They pointed to the sun in curiosity.
"Oh that is the sun its not very cool once you see it every day but it rises everyday right in this direction." - Hal
"Why?" - Grimm
"I don't know Grimm but what I do know is that it stands for sleep." - Hal
"Whats sleep?" - Grimm
"It's this thing where we dont talk until I talk to you again." - Hal
"Oh, so the sun means sleep? Commander?" - Grimm
Grimm notices Hal's silence.
'She must be sleeping.' - Grimm
Grimm looked at the sunset as Hal slept on their shoulders. They continued to walk.
'Does sleep end when the sun goes away?' - Grimm
Next Chapter Will be Released May 31st