Chapter 13: Eren's Onslaught



Yaki sat still looking at Eren, but she wasn't looking at Eren. She was lost in her own mind.

'Suki? Natsuki? Suki?...'


Aku ran towards her.


Aku was sent flying through a wall by Eren as he seemingly got past with unnatural speed.

'Suki is dead?'


Yaki falls to her knees crying and screaming.

"She's dead! She's dead!"

'Is he a demon? Is this what demon's do? Am I going to die?'

Her left eye began to feel just as great of pain as her heart did. She looked down as she saw shoes then looked up to see the face of the killer.

"You're already ripe! This will be so much more enjoyable than I thought it would be!"

The man's words shook Yaki to her core as he bowed over her. He slowly reached his hand out towards her face. The intensity and pain of her left eye raised to height of the burning sun.

"Back off!"

Aku kicked the man on the side of his body, sending him to the other side of the room.

'He hit me through that wall almost 30 feet away!'

Yaki crawled back in horror as she looked at her brother, his left eye was dark and endless as it hollowed smoke out as well.


Yaki stands up and in confusion runs away through the hole in the wall, but she comes to halt with fear as she hears laughter.

"Come on Aku! Is that really the best you got?"

Chills went down Aku's spine as The Man stood up.

"I expected better after watching you fight one of my simpletons on the roof not too long ago."

'He watched that?'

"Who are you?"

"Oh my name, you haven't figured it out yet? I thought he told you..."

He smiled.

"My name is Eren!"

Aku thought back to when he killed the guy on the roof.

'His last words weren't his name but rather-'

Aku looked at Eren.


Aku then prepared to blitz Eren suddenly felt something pushing his head down.



"You're predictable Aku."

Eren starts to let go of Aku's head after he smashed it into the ground. Aku then grabbed Eren by the arm.

"You son of a bitch."

Aku threw Eren off of him, he then stood up as his face was all bloody.

"I don't care who you are or who you work for. You put my sister's life in danger! That alone is the only reason I need to kill you."

Aku then appears in front of Eren and then punches him in the stomach. Eren then went through the ceiling. Aku then reappears above Eren.

'What...He's really this fast?'

"You'll die today no matter who you are!"

Aku then slams Eren back into the house. He then lands on the remains of the roof on top of the house.

'Where'd he go?'


The house started to cave in on itself Aku jumped back into the air. He looked down looking for Eren.

'Come on show yourself you bastard!'

"HAHAHAHAHA Aku you've impressed me. Which means now our fight must begin!"

Eren stood in the middle of the debris untouched, unfazed, and under control.

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