Chapter 2: Phantom Racers



Hal woke up being walked by Grimm still.

“Good morning my disciple.” - Hal

Hal rubbed her eyes as she started to look about.



Hal screamed as Grimm and she was nearly run over by an oncoming car. They were in the middle of a highway.


“Oh commander, you're awake! The sun went down not too long ago.” - Grimm

“Answer the question!” - Hal

“What’s a question?” - Grimm

“Say what the hell you’re doing Grimm?” - Hal

“I’m walking.” - Grimm

Hal looked to their right in horror as her eyes met eye to eye with a semi-truck.

“Grimm watch out!” - Hal

Her scream caught Grimm off guard as he stopped and simply put his hand up to the truck.

“The hell is that gonna do?” - Hal

‘Wait is he learning his powers?’ - Hal

“Halt large object!” - Grimm


Grimm stood between the now split in half semi-truck Hal, shook like crazy.


“It's been working.” - Grimm

Grimm smiled as Hal looked behind them.

‘What in the hell?’ - Hal

The streets behind them were piled with broken-down cars. Some of them looked to have crashed into walls.

‘With just his body alone, not even a car going full speed can hurt him.’ - Hal

“Commander, where are we going?” - Grimm

“I uh…” - Hal

Hal recollected herself and cleared her throat.

“We are going to train against some serious foes! In a town that shouldn't be too far away from here!” - Hal

‘If Grimm’s true to his word, I wonder if we've passed it by now.’ - Hal

“Commander, I am excited to go through your said training!” - Grimm

“Me too, I cannot wait at all!” Hal

Hal smiled with glee and intent as she saw the sign.

‘I can’t wait to get back at those bastards!’ - Hal

The sign read “.5 miles to next stop Grand Fields.”



“Welcome to the one and only gas station you’ll ever need Kangaga-” - Cashier

The cashier choked on her words as she looked up.

“A pack of cigarettes please.” - Unknown

The cashier grabbed a pack reluctantly.

“That’ll be-” - Cashier

“For free.” - Unknown

She gave him the pack without cashing him out. The man started to walk out as he suddenly stopped.

“You know what? How about you come with me.” - Unknown

“Please…no.” - Cashier

The lady started to walk towards him as she cried for him to stop.

“Why are you crying? You walked over here didn't you?” - Unknown

The man put his hand around the cashier’s waist.

“Why are you doing this?” - Cashier

“I’m not doing anything.” - Unknown

He smiled as he walked off with her ignoring her pleads and cries.


Lots of noise filled the streets as lights were blinking and flashing. People still fill the street at night, for that's when people have the most fun. The stores go dark, but business is as bright as ever. Throughout all of this madness and craze, two people stuck out like sore thumbs.

“Grimm! We made it!” - Hal

“Commander, where are we again?” - Grimm

“We are in the dangerous lands of Grand fields!” - Hal

“It doesn't look that dangerous?” - Grimm

Grimm found himself looking towards the dancing woman in very little clothing. He also saw children running around a park.

“Oh trust me Grimm, this place is home to some tough foes you just gotta find them.” - Hal

Grimm felt a tug at his arm.

“Well aren't you a tall and handsome fella! You look a little lost. I can help you find yourself in a couple of different ways.” - A Strange Woman

“Get away you whore!” - Hal

“Now young lady, that is no way to be speaking to an adult.” - The Strange Woman

“Come on Grimm, we dont got a lot of time for these kinds of ordeals,” - Hal

Hal pulled Grimm away by the arm and started to walk away with him as he looked back at the woman. She made a sign signifying to call her sometime, but that flew over his head.

“Damn sex workers have no talent these days, I mean come on skimpy dress wear and tight tops are so last century.” - Hal

“Excuse me commander but what is skimpy?” - Grimm

“You are very brain dead, you know that right Grimm?” - Hal

“What does that mean?” - Grimm

Hal's face palmed with disappointment.

‘Remember world domination Hal, world domination!’ - Hal

“Skimpy just means they are trying to show you their goods, Grimm.” - Hal

Grimm looked around them at all the pretty lights and started to look down the alleyways. There seemed to be just as many people in them as there were in the streets. One person held a girl by his side as he stared down a group of men.

‘What are they doing?’ - Grimm

The man looked back at Grimm as he redirected his eye contact back to Hal.

‘The hell was that feeling?’ - Grimm

“Grimm we are here!” - Hal

Grimm looked at the large gate and the fancy cars inside of the gate.

“Where is, here?” Grimm

“I don't know exactly, it seems they've done some remodeling while I've been away.” - Hal

Hal began to knock obnoxiously on the gate as a buzz was then sounded.

“Who is it?” - PA system

“Open the gate stewart before I let myself in again!” - Hal

“Hal is that you? You know you’re banned from ever coming in here again after what you did last year.” - Stewart

“Yeah and bugs eat grass, now let me in before i beat your-” - Hal


Hal looked at Grimm, pushing the gate open.

“Why thank you Grimm.” - Hal

The two walk across the premises as Hal admires the cars.

“Grimm, look at this one! The moon reflects off of it!” - Hal

“These cars are a lot nicer than the ones I’ve dealt with so far, commander. These ones aren't trying to hit me.” - Grimm

“I’ll teach you about cars later, Grimm.” - Hal


Grimm felt a gun being pressed against his head as men surrounded the two of them.

“Now boy’s I figured by now you’d know how to treat new guests.” - Hal


“You’re trespassing RedHead! What ya doin here?” - Ringleader

The man stood on top of the stairs with a red tarp wrapped around his head.

“I’m passing by, figured I’d visit some old friends, ya know?” - Hal

“Commander, who are they?” - Grimm

“These are the Phantom Racers, My old gang!” - Hal

“Make sure you emphasize the word old!” - Ringleader

“Look I know we’ve had our problems but I'm back with some promising stuff!” - Hal

The ringleader and other goons looked at her with amusement.

“What could you! Possibly bring me! That is promising!” - Ringleader

“I brought the strongest and most feared…uh thing in the underworld!” - Hal

Hal made jazz hands towards Grimm.

“The Grim Reaper!” - Hal

“I don’t have time for your games Hal!” - Ringleader


“Woah woah woah calm down!” - Hal

‘I should’ve thought this through better.’ - Hal

Grimm looked at all the guns pointed at him and turned to the one that was almost touching him.

“Do you have my money or not?” - Ringleader

“I uh…well listen, what if we race for it again using the same rules as last time?” - Hal

“How about we make some different rules this time?” - Ringleader


10 minutes later


“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” - Hal

Hal swerves around a corner in a pitch black car.


‘What the fuck kind of rules is this?’ - Hal

“Commander, what is going on?” - Grimm

“It’s a race against the Phantom Racers that's what's going on! Look Grimm I know you haven't had a real fight yet but in case I will need you to be ready to protect me while I drive.” - Hal

“This seems pretty unfair Commander, how do you suspect us to win?” - Grimm

“Because this isn’t the first time I've raced them! I know what to expect.” - Hal

Hal hit a sharp turn as the back window shattered from a bullet.

“Grimm, I need you to take the wheel real quick.” - Hal

“How do I do that?” - Grimm


The two of them switch places.

“All I need you to do Grimm is hold your foot on that gas pedal until I say brake.” - Hal

Grimm floors it as he runs over a couple of stands on a long road. As he drives a car slowly creeps up on him to their left.

“Grimm don’t look them in their-” - Hal


Grimm and the driver of the other car switch places.

“Eyes…” - Hal

“Hello Hal, it seems your partner doesn't know much about us.” - The driver

“It seems you don’t know privacy still Leo!” - Hal

Hal kicks him in the face as he moves her foot away and floors the gas.

“You bitch!” - Leo

Leo pulls out a gun as Hal jumps out the back window, still holding onto the car. She jumps on top as bullets come through the roof, nearly hitting her.

“Leo get…out…of….my-” - Hal

Hal held up her hands as they started to get red.

“Car!” - Hal

Hal shoots flames out of her hands that engulf the car. Leo’s screams were heard as the car changed colors and shape. Hal reentered the now empty car as her own clothes were ablaze.

‘Wait what happened to Grimm?’ - Hal


As Grimm finds himself in the new car, 3 guys sit in the car with him.

“Hello!” - Grimm

Grimm dodges as the one next to him tries to cut him with a switchblade.

‘Is this my training?’ - Grimm

Grimm’s face suddenly became really serious. As he looked down and slammed on the brakes.

“You guys must be my first test…I want you to know that I apologize because I must protect my commander.” - Grimm

The 3 watched in terror as the air around them felt scared.

“Truck Stopper!” - Grimm

Grimm slapped the one on his right through the door flying through a grocery shop. Grimm looked back to see a mailbox and a post board in the other guy's place.

The two Phantom Racers ran to check on the one sent flying.

“Is he dead?” - Phantom Racer 1

“What do you think?” - Phantom Racer 2

“Ah shit man, do you think Hal was telling the truth about him being you know who?” - Phantom Racer 1

“Hell nah, ain't no way in hell he is, literally!” - Phantom Racer 2

“Hey, is this your guy’s stuff?” - Grimm

The two looked back as Grimm towered over them, holding the mailbox and poster board.

“Hey Naomi, follow my lead.” - Phantom Racer 2

“What?” - Naomi

The Phantom Racer disappeared from Grimm’s eyes as he looked back and caught his punch. Naomi slipped under Grimm and landed a punch to his chin. Naomi traded places with the mailbox being let go of Grimm to hit him again. The Phantom Racer then jumped back and started to throw a whole bunch of things around in the air. Naomi and The Phantom Racer traded places with all the objects in the air to keep hitting Grimm.

‘They have to see the object they trade places with.’ - Grimm

Grimm then grabbed both of them by the head with ease covering their eyes.

“You think that's gonna stop me?” - Naomi

Naomi then switched places with Grimm as he was now on his knees as she held his head. She pulled out a blade and went for the throat.


Naomi was in shock as her blade broke, trying to pierce Grimm’s neck.

“Wow you’re pretty fast!” - Grimm

Grimm then truck stopped her away.

The Phantom Racer looked shocked.

‘That was our best shot.’ - The Phantom Racer


Grimm looked back at the man as he killed himself.

“Wh-why?” - Grimm

Meanwhile, something was happening over where Naomi’s body was.

“Do you want to live?” - Unknown

Naomi choked on her own blood.

“Who…who are you?” - Naomi

“Do you want to live?” - Unknown

“Who are you?” - Naomi

“Do you want to kill that…thing out there?” - Unknown

“Yes!” - Naomi

“Then say it.” - Unknown

“I want to live…i want to live!” - Naomi

“You are alive!” - Unknown


“I wonder where Commander is?” - Grimm

Grimm started to walk down the road as a small needle went flying past his head.

‘What was that?’ - Grimm

Grimm looked back at where the needle came from.

‘Maybe I'm seeing things?’ - Grimm

“You’re not seeing enough!” - Unknown

Grimm looked back forward as his face was sliced by what seemed to be nothing.

‘Huh?’ - Grimm

“HIII!” - Naomi

Grimm looked at Naomi as her appearance was completely different, with her face not being covered any more, her black hair flowing out. The weirdest thing was now she had blades for her fingers and her eyes were hollowed out.

Naomi disappeared around Grimm again and again. This time even faster than before making Grimm even lose track of her.

“I thought I killed you?” - Grimm

“Oh you killed her alright!” - Unknown

Grimm looked over towards where he hit Naomi earlier. A man walked out in formal wear with a hat. The two made eye contact as Grimm felt something.

‘The same feeling as earlier? He has hollow eyes just like Naomi. Who is this guy?’ - Grimm

‘Run Grimm!’ - Voice #2 of The Grim Reaper

‘It’s you again, where have you been?’ - Grimm

‘Not now just get out of there Grimm it’s too dangerous, he is too dangerous!’ - Voice #2 of The Grim Reaper

Grimm turned away from the man and started to gun for it as suddenly hundreds of needles started to drop around.

“Did you forget about me?” - Naomi

“Nope.” - Grimm

Grimm started to run at such a speed it made a thunderous noise.

“Stop running away Grimm!” Unknown

Grimm suddenly halted.

‘What?’ - Grimm

“Or should I say The Grim Reaper!” Unknown

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