Chapter 42: First Mission


"You ready Amon?"

It was dark outside as Archie and Amon stood on top of a vehicle that was driving through the dreary streets of Toyo.

"Yeah I guess."

Amon watched the streets lights pass them by as they traveled past the minimal traffic. It felt like a dream.

'This is surreal...'

The two of them looked up seeing Sally fly over them with her jetpack gear. Amon thought about how it was only the three of them.

'We left Linen behind to cover the base for Zefu. I hope I don't get in there way of their chemistry...'

Archie waved down to Sally. She saw as she slowly started to come down to them.


They all heard the beep in their ears as their earpieces where fully in sync.

"Hope your ready guys, I'm speeding up the vehicle since there's less traffic now."

Amon looked over at Sally as she was now landing down on top of the vehicle.

"Has Ani ever accompanied you in person before?"

"Hey! When we are on the field we use code-names newbie."

Archie made Amon realize his small mistake.

"Sorry…has short-stock ever been on field before?"

Sally pulled up her mask slightly. She sighed gracefully as Amon saw that she fit the scenery nicely.

In terms of our division she hasn't been mandatorily sent on field."

'Interesting, a transfer, why would she transfer to this division? Especially with how she was talking earlier about helping me leave? It also makes sense with her not being on field she seems to excel at what she does behind a screen.'


"You realize I can hear you guys right?"


Ani sat in front of her large computer setup. There was 86 monitors with each one having a different angle of either what the group was seeing or their surroundings.


She took a quick sip of a juice box and lit a cigarette.

"Well it's not like we were hiding anything from you Short-Stock."


Sally giggled as she pulled back down her mask.

'Their gear isn't glowing like the other night?'

"Hey newbie can you hold this for a sec?"


Archie handed him his bow as he kneeled over and started counting arrows.

"Hey Arch…Archer?"

"What's up?

"Why is it that your gears aren't glowing?"

"Ah good question…Gas-Tank can you take this over?"

Sally walked closer to Amon as the vehicle speed was noticeable now. With the lights behind her almost turning to a blur.

"Our gear's are both fueled by a source of energy. My jetpacks and equipment are all almost completely run by different types of gases or toxins. His is mostly…uh…"


Archer cut in.

"Yeah electricity and they look total bad ass when we are all fighting together."

'Their gear is fueled by outside resources…they alone are resourceful officers but with their own creativity they sometimes seem more dangerous than the creatures they are fighting.'

"Maybe one day you can get your kind of gear, Newbie."

"Is that my code-name or something?"

Amon awaited a response from Gas-Tank as he looked at the passing buildings. The vehicle was slowing down.


Amon tried to say something but it felt like his words were not even being said. He couldn't hear anything not even his own breathing.

'What the?'

He looked back at Gas-Tank and Archer who's suits were both glowing now as they were staring off into the distance. Amon looked towards what they were looking at as it seemed to be the top of a building. He looked closely at the top of the building.

'Complete sound disruption. Some say they can cause you to not be able to hear your own thoughts. Still for my first time experiencing it I'm shocked at how effective it is. Even with what we learned in training about them in the academy it's still quite surprising.'

Amon saw Archer flick his bow open as it glowed up the area around them. Gas-Tank then took out her blade that brightened the area with a dark green. There were four figures on top of the building.

'Sound demons.'

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