Chapter Four: Humanity
Humans. Probably one of the strongest animal races in the middle world, but though they are strong (at least some of them) they are honestly pretty damn stupid.
But then there are the other worldly races, like me, and the devilish race, one of the greater, more powerful races due to the one fact they have no rules or regulations and they just do as they please.
Then there are the big four, under workers of the devil himself, known to be the strongest evil creatures known to their world along with every other single existing creature.
Pain. Deep disintegrating pain. My head had been pounding all night and day. My whole body was hurting. I had a high fever and high body temperature didn't make the boiling pain sensation any better.
I turned over to the clock as it stated to me that it was six in the morning. I laid in bed a few more hours as my body continuously fought to heal itself, cells regenerated at a steady rate keeping up with the ones that were dying off.
After a while the boiling sensation finally died off, as my cells regenerated sealing the painful hole in my side. I stayed in bed as my body temperature began to drop drastically then instantly I began to feel better.
I heard footsteps as the door cracked open.
"Hello?" A little girl who looked around ten or twelve walked in. "Diablo?" She looked at me and began to scream. "Mom!!! There is a girl in Diablo's bed!!!!!" She then walked up to me and attempted to pull me off. "You may be special to Diablo, but I do not want to be an aunt this early! Now go home!!" I felt blood rush through my face as I began to blush.
"It's not like that at all!! Diablo is a dumb idiot!!" She pulled with all her might but wasn't able to get me off of the bed. She gasped.
"You are a terrible girlfriend!" She slapped my cheek, which I didn't feel anything besides a tingle as if my cheek were numb. "I don't want to be related to you at all!"
"It's not like that!!" I shouted as the door opened again as an older woman walked into the room and the little girl ran to her side. It must have been her mother as I believed.
"How are you doing?" She asked as I sat up right on the edge of the bed.
"I'm doing way better, I can't thank you enough." I said as she let out a little smile, I then looked back at the little girl as she stuck her tongue out at me, which I did back. She then gasped once again.
"Come down stairs we can talk." She said as she looked at the floor where Diablo had been passed out in the weirdest position. He nearly looked dead to me but he was snoring so I could tell he was still alive.
"Okay." I responded as she led me down the stairs to the kitchen where she had made some food.
The little girl began eating. "What's your name?"
"Aimi." She said with a mouthful of food.
"That's a cute name." I said with a pleasant smile.
"Thanks, what's your name?" She asked
"Addy, Addy Anahera"
"Now that's just a weird name." She said sticking her tongue out.
"Okay okay, jeez you're rude." I replied. Just then the older woman began to talk.
"So Addy, who exactly are you? And what do you want with my son?" I knew she was talking about Diablo, and could sense she was worried.
"June.. I don't know how to tell you but your world is coming to an end, everything you love and need is soon going to turn into dust as the world caves in and kills us all. Your son is the key to end this, well to stop it and without him the world will be destro-"
"I can't. Diablo has been through too much, I don't want him to get involved with something that's going to kill him."
"June you don't have to worry, I'll protect him, and your son also isn't an ordinary kid he's speci-"
"I know that Addy he's my son for god sake! And I'm not gonna let him be killed in the hands of some stranger that I know nothing of." She was angry and upset, she cared so much about her family, her son, more than anything, even enough to let the world be destroyed. But I knew where she was coming from. Because like her I too would miss my family. Well, I guess I miss mine as she still has her own.
"Aimi please go wake up your brother."
"Okay." Aimi walked over to the bottom of the stairs
"Diablo! Mom said it's time to get up!" She shouted.
Just then it was silent. I looked at the clock once again, it was now ten o'clock. Diablo had then come downstairs a few minutes later.
Everything was going good until the topic of Leo had been brought up. I knew for a fact that he was dead, for as annoying and back taking he was as a kid Hell great four protectors were having any of it. The leader, Drako, probably shot Leo in the head or something, and unfortunately I couldn't blame him.
Diablo though, he cared for Leo as if he were his younger brother, and he felt as if he knew Leo would still be alive, but seemed more than likely I knew Leo more than Diablo.
We had argued for a while. Aimi had watched silently from the sofa as Diablo's mother, June, stepped in stopping us.
He had talked to June, explained everything and promised her that he'd come back alive and safe, but that was the sad truth, because there was no guarantee he'd come back alive.
I went back upstairs as Diablo compromised with his mother making her feel the slightest relaxed and refreshed. I climb upon the roof and watch the sky fly by. I was still exhausted from the day before as I began to pass out on the rooftop.
I began dreaming of my life before coming here to the middle world, I guess it was more of a remembering form of dozing off.
It wasn't something I wanted to remember, but it wasn't possible for me to forget about it, ever.
As I dreamt off on the rooftops of June's home, I began to see the faces of my parents, then all of a sudden there were flashes of light as faces of my beloved parents changed between their happy faces to blood cover, emotionless feelings of death as fire scattered around the room.
A battle went on in the background as standing in front of me was a blurry creature, it stood tall holding a large scythe which was dark and gloomy and looked like pain and horror.. Facing the bodies of my dead parents. I dared not speak to it. It's head turned slightly looking behind it and at me. One eye that was visible to me glowed a bright white as it softly hardened its face as it began to grin.
I dreamt like this nearly every night but somehow it was different. My dream seemed more connected, more fixated at this point. Everything soon became unblurred. And I knew I was dreaming.
I stood up and looked the devilish creature in the face. I felt blood rush over my face as my body became consumed with anger as my eyes teared up from the sight of my dead parents, my one and only family I'll ever have, the ones who loved and cared for me more than anything. The ones I looked up to, and loved back. I cried as they now lay lifeless upon the ground. As the creature peened upon the sight of their death and my sadness. I then dash towards him as he seemed the slightest surprised.
He then grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and lifted me into the air. He stared into my eyes with a large smile as I felt energy from me being drained.
"Let go of me!" I shouted, kicking the creature in the chest and falling to the floor.
I watched the creature carefully. It walked towards me slowly. "Stop! Stay back!" I yelled. But it never did. It crawled up on me and softly rubbed its hand on my cheek. It then stood up, as its scythe lit up revealing itself. My eyes then widened and I felt everything inside me empty out. I then began to tremble. The creature that stood in front of me had one large goat-like horn on the side of its head, was dark and gloomy, but had a smile upon its face. It raised its weapon high as tears began to drip from its lifeless eyes.
It then began to speak. It said words in many voices, but one stood more out than the others, and it was Diablo's voice. I couldn't make it out as it began to strike down with it's weapon, and all I heard were the words.
"Add.. ..sorry.. .wasn't.. ..meant.. to... ...happen.."
"Diablo, Nooo!!" I shouted as the blade appeared in front of my face. I tightly shut my eyes and whimpered. When I opened them. I was back on the roof. And I had a small scar across my cheek.