Nameless Soul

Who am I? Who am I ought to be? I am buried with these walls, I see through eyes that aren't mine. I want to belong. I want to be alive. And so I will be..

Chapter 3: ?!


It had been a long while since then. The bullies were in critical condition, though they had somehow managed to live. They were also sent to juvie after recovery.

Chapter 2: !


"Agghhh!!" I woke up in my bed. The feeling of falling didn't leave my body.

Chapter One: ?


"Oh.. I'm sorry Itachi.. I don't like you like that.. But uhm.. I hope we can at least stay friends." She smiled unpleasantly with a pleasant smile. She held out her hand for me to shake it.



*smash* the sound of the door being busted in

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