Between Good and Evil

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The man was getting closer. But all I could do was stare. Every muscle in my body was tense as my heart raced.

Humans. Probably one of the strongest animal races in the middle world, but though they are strong (at least some of them) they are honestly pretty damn stupid.

I wish I had known what was up with Diablo and Addy. I hoped they were okay. I know they were more than definitely in a better place than me at the moment, but I couldn't help but worry.

As a kid I was abused by my father and my mother was probably the only one who truly cared about me. Everyday I'd go to school starving because we didn't have much money. Everyone disliked me, even my teachers and they made sure I knew that.

The pain and fear had consumed my body, I didn't know what was coming next. I didn't understand the concept of what was going on at the moment either. Everything was blurry once more as I tried to process everything.

Ring!, Ring!, Ring! I opened my eyes and my vision started to focus. The view from where I am is very familiar. Then I spotted a poster of Twenty One Pilots out of the corner of my eye, and I knew right then I was in my own bedroom. I was on the floor, no wonder it was cold. I then got up, showered, changed, and went down stairs....

Water, dark water. It was in the bathroom sink and somehow I could see through it. It was mysterious, and I was tempted to touch it, so I put my hand in the dark substance, and I could see the bones in my hand as if I had suddenly obtained x-ray vision. It had freaked me out, so I pulled my hand out as fast as I could but it was fine....

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